Mt. Pleasant of Edinboro
- 14510 M t. Pleasant Rd, Cambridge Springs, PA 16403
- (814) 734-1641

French Creek begins near French Creek, NY and flows about 117 miles to the Allegheny River at Franklin, PA. This tributary of the Allegheny River became an important link between the Great Lakes and the Ohio & Mississippi Rivers during the 18th Century. The French needed a route to connect Montreal and Quebec with other forts and ports as far south at New Orleans. Presque Isle in Erie, PA created a natural harbor to protect ships from harsh conditions of Lake Erie. A short portage was then used to Lake LeBoeuf in Waterford, PA, which then connected to French Creek just north of Cambridge Springs.
The river (or creek) was originally called Rivière aux boeufs (Cattle or Beef River) by the French due to the abundance of Woodland Bison in the area. French Forts were built along the river in Waterford, PA and Franklin, PA to protect the route. In 1753, George Washington, a young British officer, was sent of his first official mission to deliver a message to the French at Fort Leboeuf (Waterford) to ask the French to leave the region. During his mission he mapped his journey and named the river French Creek and his version stuck. There are links below to more of the history of this important historical waterway.
With the help of the French Creek Valley Conservancy and other local schools, businesses, and volunteers, French Creek is one of the most ecologically diverse rivers in the Northeaster United States. French Creek was award the River of the Year title by the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources in 2003 and again in 2022.
This natural resource provides some of the best fishing, canoeing, and kayaking in Pennsylvania and the Great Lakes region. Numerous access areas are spaced out along it’s banks including four in the Cambridge area. These access areas connect our neighboring towns to allow you to choose a shorter trip for a few hours or a day long (and sometimes overnight) adventure.
Explore the links below to learn more about French Creek and find out how you can enjoy all it has to offer.